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                 DF5 Feature: Benefit Analysis

DF5 has remarkable properties and capabilities.

Real-World testing  documents that using DF5 results in:


              Less Fuel Expenditure 

              Cleaner emissions 

              More Uptime... therefore... Less Downtime.

1. Feature: Increases fuel economy 13->25%
    Benefit:  Major cost center expense reduction.

2. Feature: Binding Agent
    Benefit: Removes impurities from fuel tank to injectors.

                 Causing less stress on SCR systems reducing costly repairs, reduces                     costly DEF usage (by an average of 55%) putting more money on the                       bottom line.

3. Feature: Bonding Agent
    Benefit:  Bonds superior lubricity to engine components reducing maintenance                      costs, the 2nd highest cost center.

4. Feature: 5 Phases of Engine Health Optimization
    Benefit: Restores engine health and power for those upgrade climbs while                             improving fuel economy and emissions reductions.

5. Feature: No Alcohol or Zinc
    Benefit: Warranty is not voided. Injectors stay clear.

6. Feature: Emissions Reduction
    Benefit: ESG requirements met saving money and satisfying today’s investors                       demands and    improving company’s and industry’s image. Removing                     Planet Baking Emissions from the atmosphere changes the air we                           breathe, slows Climate Change and skies are more blue.

7. Feature: Fewer Forced Regens.
                    (A forced regen is required when the SCR system becomes                                       overloaded with pollutants.
                     The truck will not function properly and may go into limp mode. This                          keeps the truck from going much faster than 5mph.)

    Benefit: More Up Time = Less Downtime! Because DF5 reduces soot emissions                      reducing DEF usage, it tremendously limits the number of forced                              regenerations required.

                  NOTE: Most often DEF is used at a ratio of 50 gallons of fuel to 1                                          gallon of DEF.

8. Feature: Nano Technology makes poor fuel better and good fuel great.
    Benefit: Changes fuel at the molecular level making poor fuel good and good                        fuel better.

                  The results are:

                                     greater fuel economy 
                                     increased thermal expansion in the fuel burn

                                     dramatic emissions reduction.

10.Feature: Fuel Stabilizer.
     Benefit:  Stops fuel degradation in storage tanks. Storing fuel is now practical                          and more cost efficient.

11. Feature: Anti-Gel tested to -38 Fahrenheit -38.89 Celsius

      Benefit:  One less additive expense. More money on the bottom line.

12.Feature: All-In-One Treatment
     Benefit:  Less inventory for various uses. Saves money, logistics and storage.

13.Feature: 3rd Party Lab Testing

     Benefit:  All claims made by GTL for DF5 are true and verifiable.

14.Feature: Over 4 million real world miles of road testing.

     Benefit:  Trucker Tested Trucker Approved.       

Our clients can depend on DF5 to perform and not to harm their engines
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